Become a Member!

To become a member of 3United Holdings you simply need to contact our main office and express interest to join. Membership for 3United Holdings is always free

Personal or business credit is not taken into consideration for membership.

The purpose of the 3United Holdings membership is to have access to the benefits shared by all members of the 3United Market Place. All members of 3United Holdings can choose to join 3United Protocol as well. Once membership is accepted members will automatically be included in the private placement of the #UNITED3TOKEN. This crypto token is sold to our members at a significant discount without our members putting up any of their own capital. 3United Protocol covers the expense of the delivery and minting of the #UNITED3TOKEN for our members so they won't have to!

So our members will not be required to pay anything for the tokens upfront. This crypto token is backed by the pools of cash (cash flow) from Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and the face value of the token is guaranteed by 3United Protocol. These MBS products were specifically acquired by 3United Protocol to back the #UNITED3TOKEN and to be sold to 3United Protocol Exclusive Members no money down, no money out of pocket and no money upfront. These instruments are invaluable securities that can be used for collateral for business growth capital for our members. The #UNITED3TOKEN is used as a marker of trust for financial transactions inside the 3United Ecosystem. Therefore the token has real intrinsic value and is a UNIQUE stable and hedging token in the crypto world.


3United Holdings Members also have the opportunity to become minority share holders as well. All members of 3United Holdings will be privy to monthly dividends from the shares they hold. 3United Holdings equity stake in 3United Protocol includes monthly dividends that will be shared by all additional share holders. In order to be considered to be a shareholder or a free member of 3United Holdings you and or your business must apply for membership with 3United Holdings first. Under current guidelines we operate under rule 144 which dictates the guidelines for a private placement put in place by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). Since 3United Holdings is not engaging in a public solicitation we require all interested parties to apply for membership in our educational platform which is always free

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